Intellectual Property Litigation Attorneys

The Witherspoon Law Group Intellectual Property Litigation Team provides clients with IP enforcement, protection, and strategic counseling. We handle patent infringement, trademark, trade dress, trade secret, right of publicity, database/screen scraping, domain name, copyright, and Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) litigation, as well as computer software, cloud, and mobile and Internet-related disputes.  We develop unique strategies and litigation techniques for clients – ranging from strategic settlement to mediation to trying the case – to best fit their business needs.  The Witherspoon Law Group serves clients in all areas of intellectual property law, including:

    • Alternative Dispute Resolution
    • Arbitration
    • Patent Litigation
    • Trademark Litigation
    • Copyright Litigation
    • Trade Secret Litigation
    • Right of Publicity Litigation
    • Data Privacy, Security Breach, and TCPA Class Action Litigation

We look forward to partnering with you to find solutions for your intellectual property issues, Contact us or visit one of our locations today.